Male Scientist wearing Nito gloves, and a white lab coat, putting black powder into a glass beaker, that is on top of a scientific scale.

Home > Products > Fungal Origin Chitin & Chitosan

Fungal Origin Chitin & Chitosan

High quality and non-animal origin chitin and chitosan products from various fungal sources, offering unique biopolymer properties and functionality for a wide range of applications.

Fungal Origin Chitin & Chitosan

7 results

Structure for Carboxymethyl chitosan (10 - 80 cps); fungal origin

Carboxymethyl chitosan (10 - 80 cps); fungal origin

Glentham Code: GC8479

CAS: 83512-85-0

Structure for Chitin, fungal origin

Chitin, fungal origin

Glentham Code: GC8934

CAS: 1398-61-4

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Chitin-glucan, fungal origin

Glentham Code: GU2383

CAS: -

Structure for Chitosan (10 - 120 cps); from Aspergillus niger

Chitosan (10 - 120 cps); from Aspergillus niger

Glentham Code: GU8949

CAS: 9012-76-4

Structure for Chitosan (10 - 120 cps); fungal origin

Chitosan (10 - 120 cps); fungal origin

Glentham Code: GU1067

CAS: 9012-76-4

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Chitosan hydrochloride (10 - 120 cps); fungal origin

Glentham Code: GU9054

CAS: 70694-72-3

Structure for Chitosan oligosaccharide, fungal origin

Chitosan oligosaccharide, fungal origin

Glentham Code: GU3511

CAS: 148411-57-8

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